Do you want know more about Varsana?
Eco Farms Varsana from EcoYogaFarms on Vimeo.
This beautiful monastery called Varsana Ecological Gardens was founded in 1983 by our spiritual masters Srila Guru Maharaj and Srila Bhakti Bhimala Harijan Maharaj. It is the principal temple of a world wide mission called Vrinda. Because of this extraordinary architecture and artistic works, the government of Colombia designated this monastery as a cultural patrimony of the country.
The daily activities of the monastery start at 04:00 AM. During the day there are different spiritual ceremonies and the residents perform various types of services in the maintance and beautification of the monastery.
The daily activities of the monastery start at 04:00 AM. During the day there are different spiritual ceremonies and the residents perform various types of services in the maintance and beautification of the monastery.
Throught the course of the year, there are many festivals and spiritaul retreats, which are attended by friends and persons interested in the vaisnava way of life and vedic culture.
The presiding deities of this monastery are Sri Sri Gouranga Radha Vrajesvara.
The deity is a manifestation of the lord in this world, throught which he is giving us an opportunity to meditate on him and to serve him through various types of services.
There is a ancient tradition of wordship of their lordship, called artik, which involves offering elements like incense, fire, water, flowers, food, etc. Everyone can take part in such type of wordship of the Lord.
The deity is a manifestation of the lord in this world, throught which he is giving us an opportunity to meditate on him and to serve him through various types of services.
There is a ancient tradition of wordship of their lordship, called artik, which involves offering elements like incense, fire, water, flowers, food, etc. Everyone can take part in such type of wordship of the Lord.
Maha Samadhi
The sanskrit word Maha Samadhi means complete absorption in God.
This little shrine in the place where the sacred body of his Divine Grace Srila B V Harijan Maharaj (the first spiritual master from Colombia) is contained.
Unlike the general vedic custom, where the body of departed souls are cremated, the bodies of saintly persons, pure devotees of the lord, are preserved in this type of shrine. The purpose of this shrine is that people can visit them, wordship the these saints and remember their divine teachings.
This little shrine in the place where the sacred body of his Divine Grace Srila B V Harijan Maharaj (the first spiritual master from Colombia) is contained.
Unlike the general vedic custom, where the body of departed souls are cremated, the bodies of saintly persons, pure devotees of the lord, are preserved in this type of shrine. The purpose of this shrine is that people can visit them, wordship the these saints and remember their divine teachings.
Real Spiritual Education
Varsana is excellent place for studies. You can take some our courses and obtain knowledge in different arts and sciences that will let you develop your internal potencial and reach a better standard of living.
Bearing in mind that the vedas contain the cultural patrimony of the great sages, this academy has as object to preserve and spread this knowledge, which is being more and more appreciated in the western world.
Bearing in mind that the vedas contain the cultural patrimony of the great sages, this academy has as object to preserve and spread this knowledge, which is being more and more appreciated in the western world.
The vaisnava academy intends to offer education in sciences like medicine or ayurveda, astrology or jyotish veda, architecture or vastu sastra, languages as hindi, sanskrit, bengali, arts like music and the deep philosophy and theology of the vedas. All this is knowledge with practical value for our daily life. It gives us the chance to cross over the world of material existence and enter into teh divine spiritual truth.
Yoga Planetarium
Presently we are constructing a very ambitius project called "Yoga Planetarium- Eco Truly Park". This Park is consisting of building in a circular base and a conical structure. The conical form of construction is very particular. It is obtained by the free fall of a rope, which is supported on two end.
It represents the very natural form of space, where the energy inside the building is very much in harmony with the universal powers. Such characteristics are increasing the meditative atmosphere within the building. The Eco Truly Park is a offering of love and appreciation for the Supreme Lord, who is the Creator, Maintainer and Annihilator of the whole existence.
Beacuse of that, the construction work as well as the meditation in the building are meant to connect us with the Supreme Lord.
It represents the very natural form of space, where the energy inside the building is very much in harmony with the universal powers. Such characteristics are increasing the meditative atmosphere within the building. The Eco Truly Park is a offering of love and appreciation for the Supreme Lord, who is the Creator, Maintainer and Annihilator of the whole existence.
Beacuse of that, the construction work as well as the meditation in the building are meant to connect us with the Supreme Lord.
Meditation Park
In this majestic paradise you can see the multiple gigantic sculptures carved o original rocks of this place, these wonderful works form part of the sculpture park " Krishna, the victor of the obstacles". As the visitor advances in his tour, being orientated by and ecological path and stimating the floral beauty of our gardens you can find.
Differents megaliths each of which represents a trascendental specific pastime that generates at environment of meditation and reflection of the real and unreal thing and that can be our lives, teaching us in seemingly prone to fantasring way the raw internal reality this faces our diary exist.
This wonderful works are a creation of integral artists of the program Consciuos Art, and each one represents a demon that has been defeated by the absolute god that, help us to be consent of the differennt demons that every humans being takes inside like: ire, lust, envy, power, malice, duplicity, unmercy, pride, richness, flase hood, which remove us from the harmonius spiritual path.
The varsana's ecological gardens, with is efficient organization, profesional attention and great quality in all the gluen services, is specially designed for the reception of big groups. We rely on highly qualified personnel in the guests receipt of different places of the country and the world that visit our ecological gardens and take part our rural retirements and tours.
A real refuge for the modern woman
Visnu Priya Asramas are places of refuge for woman. The modern woman is often a victim of explotation and violation. We have started this Visnu Priya Asramas to offer them a place where they can find peace and sence in their life and to give them a chance to work in their personal spiritual realization. In this way we want to teach and support practically a peaceful and civilized society.
This asrama and feminine education center possesses a beautiful rural house wich was inaugurated in August of 2001. There is group of dedicated woman in charge in various projects, such as the vegetarian restaurant and cooking, yoga and meditation courses, local conferences and seminars for schools and universities, rural retreats and ecotourism.
The asrama is also meant for guests and future students of vedic culture, so eveyone is welcome to come visit us and learn more about our lifestyle.
In Varsana's Ecological Park you can enjoy the magic and the captivation of the Hindu Art, where they are considerated as a traditional way of acommplishment.
The pure estethic experience brings about and ecstasy that anticipates accomplishment ans spiritual fullness.
The predominant expresion in Varsana is the architecture and in each of strategyc sectionsof the farm, the architecture stands a special way of representing and revealing the sacredness of that atracction.
In addition you can appreciate dancing arts and painting.
By contemplating them, it allows you to dive into levels of conscience and reality up to exceeding the identification with the contemplated objects.
Hence these arts may be considerated as one kind of yoga (shilpa yoga) and the meditation (dhyana) its principal tool.
All of theses are expressions of an ancient culture united in one place. Varsana has artists
in several areas whose interest is to educate people through their work and activities through out the course of each year. In Varsana there are majestic celebrations of great importance and you are able to participate in these festivals.
Ubication: Km 28 Panamericana highway,to silvania. In the outside of Granada (town), Cundinamarca (state).
Differents megaliths each of which represents a trascendental specific pastime that generates at environment of meditation and reflection of the real and unreal thing and that can be our lives, teaching us in seemingly prone to fantasring way the raw internal reality this faces our diary exist.
This wonderful works are a creation of integral artists of the program Consciuos Art, and each one represents a demon that has been defeated by the absolute god that, help us to be consent of the differennt demons that every humans being takes inside like: ire, lust, envy, power, malice, duplicity, unmercy, pride, richness, flase hood, which remove us from the harmonius spiritual path.
The varsana's ecological gardens, with is efficient organization, profesional attention and great quality in all the gluen services, is specially designed for the reception of big groups. We rely on highly qualified personnel in the guests receipt of different places of the country and the world that visit our ecological gardens and take part our rural retirements and tours.
A real refuge for the modern woman
Visnu Priya Asramas are places of refuge for woman. The modern woman is often a victim of explotation and violation. We have started this Visnu Priya Asramas to offer them a place where they can find peace and sence in their life and to give them a chance to work in their personal spiritual realization. In this way we want to teach and support practically a peaceful and civilized society.
This asrama and feminine education center possesses a beautiful rural house wich was inaugurated in August of 2001. There is group of dedicated woman in charge in various projects, such as the vegetarian restaurant and cooking, yoga and meditation courses, local conferences and seminars for schools and universities, rural retreats and ecotourism.
The asrama is also meant for guests and future students of vedic culture, so eveyone is welcome to come visit us and learn more about our lifestyle.
In Varsana's Ecological Park you can enjoy the magic and the captivation of the Hindu Art, where they are considerated as a traditional way of acommplishment.
The pure estethic experience brings about and ecstasy that anticipates accomplishment ans spiritual fullness.
The predominant expresion in Varsana is the architecture and in each of strategyc sectionsof the farm, the architecture stands a special way of representing and revealing the sacredness of that atracction.
In addition you can appreciate dancing arts and painting.
By contemplating them, it allows you to dive into levels of conscience and reality up to exceeding the identification with the contemplated objects.
Hence these arts may be considerated as one kind of yoga (shilpa yoga) and the meditation (dhyana) its principal tool.
All of theses are expressions of an ancient culture united in one place. Varsana has artists
in several areas whose interest is to educate people through their work and activities through out the course of each year. In Varsana there are majestic celebrations of great importance and you are able to participate in these festivals.

You can request more information about our tours, seminars, spiritual retreats and all activities carried out in Varsana Ecologic al Gardens. Is the oldest rural community of the Vrinda Family, we invite all participants and friends to become part of it and participate in the activities.
Ubication: Km 28 Panamericana highway,to silvania. In the outside of Granada (town), Cundinamarca (state).
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